
Our Philosophy

Your goals are our focus. Physical Therapy is about getting you back to what you love and finding your potential. We work together with you in developing an ideal treatment plan while communicating with your healthcare team be it a coach, personal trainer, or physician. Our team utilizes manual based skills to help you gain movement while providing complementing exercises and resources to build strength and stability.

List of Services

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

A gentle and safe approach to improving function and symptoms with urination, constipation, sexual function and comfort,  pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, as well as treating chronic symptoms that have progressed into the hips, low back, or up into the bladder. KEGELS are not always the answer.

Cancer Rehab

Supporting mobility challenges that may present with cancer treatments, including but not limited to shoulder and hip stiffness, joint pain, numbness and tingling, balance deficits, and fatigue. Do not just survive, LIVE!! It is never too late to make a change!!

Body Aches and Pains

Treating what ails you from the neck, jaw, shoulders, upper and lower back to pelvis, hips, knees, and ankle pain and discomfort. We optimize mobility, strength, and coordination so that you can get back to what you ENJOY.

Services that come to you

Magnolia Movement is currently offering Concierge Services as appropriate. We will bring supplies and equipment to your home, office, or gym to provide quality care at your convenience. 

Contact us for more information and availability 

(337) 492-3377